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morbid curiosity
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Kaboom! Here I am, trying to write a serious thing.
I am still at home doing nothing, waiting for my school start. I've been admitted in the turbo-fucking-awesomest animation school in Italy, but in this place our government completely has no respect for education, so it had budgetary problems till now and its courses had to start two months later than January. So, here I am, finishing my creativity and doing fanarts like tomorrow would never come.

First of all I'd like to thanks neurotype-on-discord and Lyricanna for suggesting and featuring my deviation making it DD! It has been such a shock to me, used to not receive so many favs and comments on my stuff. I lost all my hopes about it since I was 13 I guess, and now... it happened! Bahahauhua holy shit I'm a happy 13-years-old now.

I had my little moment of glory.
it soon passed away.

but I liked it a lot.

I was just thinking about... What if I subscribe my account for a year? I think I'll do it. Most of all, I probably change my username into a smartest thing.
Moreover, many of you send me notes about commission requests, making me a happy woman because I discovered I'm not so crappy on this site [I'm lying guys, your money do makes me happy sssh] so... I'm thinking about an official commission opening with a proper price list.

Would you ask me commissions if I gave you this possibility?
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Time to update this thing, just for saying that I came back from all my holidays and I'm ready to loose my time on the net. The academy didn't start for me, because I changed mind and tried to pass the entrance exams for another thing. I still have to wait for the results, meanwhile I prepare the plan B, meanwhile I keep drawing things.
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I passed the last month turning my biological times on 'nocturnal life', for the fact I merely sleep about five hours between 7 and 12 AM-PM. I'm ok guys, I'm on holiday and when I'm on holiday I sleep less than ever :'D I'm producing tons of sketches, I'm watching tons of toons, I'm surfing tons of Mb on the net and I'm quasi totally out of any social life. YAY! When the Art Academy starts there will be more time for it and less for the rest, always paradoxically.
Don't worry, I'm not wasting my time at all. I received some wallpainting commission from friend's friends and I'm preparing the preliminary sketches. This also means FINALLY MONEY. Is a crime [quote] I need it with such need.

PS: I owned the exams, I rocked a lot. I took 98/100 valuation points, but oh great A'tuin I discovered I would have taken 99/100 if professors didn't remove a point because they thought they would have fucked me around if they gave me an extremely near the top classification BUT NOT ENOUGH AFTER ALL.
In my honest opinion:
Fuck off sirs, you could have given me the pleasure of a fucking point more, instead of removing it, giving me the fucking top just for the satisfaction of seeing the utility of all those fucking sleepless nights passed over the thesis.
Seriously, I'm not a swot, but there were very few guys in my class that took the preparation seriously.
Sarcasticly, thank you meritocratic system.

Have a nice august! I'm getting things ready for a long "special" holiday I'll explain later~
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Oral exposition of the thesis tomorrow.
Just a few hours and I'll officially out to the high school, by a kick or a handshake.
I can't believe.

A sketch of my 'exam outfit' probably soon.


Tra qualche ora sarò ufficialmente fuori dal liceo, nel bene o nel male. Un calcio in culo o una stretta di mano? Probabilmente una sberla come compromesso. Non è che non sia pronta, ma... ora che si avvera ciò che ho sempre desiderato come farò? pfff
Per sfatare la perpetua sensazione di non essere mai all'altezza, perché non provare ad alzarsi un po' con tre centimetri di anfibi in più? Anfibi in pieno luglio Lon, al tuo esame di maturità. Con calze a rete, canottiera, polsini borchiati e occhialini da saldatore. Cosa non faresti per essere sempre coerente <3
A presto uno schizzo per voi [?] del mio outfit steampunk molto punk e poco steam, solo per la gioia dell'esimio prof. Ferrarotti: "Petrucci, almeno per la maturità vedi di vestirti un po' più elegantemente del solito".
Detto fatto sir, e a proposito, la porterò sempre nel mio cuore ricordandomi di lei come l'uomo che ha rovinato per sempre la mia concezione di letteratura italiana.

Ci vediamo dall'altra parte della maturità fellows, non appena mi sarò districata da questo mare di alghe durato cinque anni. Magari finisce che mi mancherà a partire da domani.
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FB page opening! by LONelloid, journal

Possible PM + official commissions opening by LONelloid, journal

insert a fucking title here by LONelloid, journal

Fuck you tecnology by LONelloid, journal

Like a formaldehyde drink by LONelloid, journal